Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 9, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. A Fire Department invoice was presented and Mayor Forkenbrock added invoice from Midwest Breathing Air for $834.95 to bills for approval. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, August minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 27,267.23
LOST 5,904.07
Ambulance 64.49
Shawver – Water 49.04
Fangmann Racing – Chlorine 30.00
Building Permits 60.00
Garbage Tags 10.00
Community Center 45.00
R&D Metal Recycling 259.50
Pool 763.25
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 84.51
RUT – County missed payment 2,864.61
DelCo Auditor – Library 2,762.37
Savings Account Interest 1,477.56
RUT – State 3,029.60
Baker & Taylor – Lib 157.42
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 74.60
Comelec – Lib 20.00
EFTPS – August 2,347.11
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 101.65
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 380.34
Iowa League of Cities – Annual Dues 475.00
IPERS – August 1,231.19
Lange Signs – KIB 1,362.00
Lansing Brothers – KIB 280.00
USPS – stamps 146.00
Ace Hardware 37.94
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,885.17
Banyon Data – Support 195.00
Bi-County Disposal – August Pick Up 2,540.16
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 515.33
City of Dubuque – WRRC 88.00
Delaware Co Solid Waste 901.80
Feld Fire – FD 339.00
Hawkins – Water 250.78
Hi-Vis – Signs 66.00
Hill Country CS – City, Amb, FD 262.39
IDNR – Sewer Permit 210.00
Iowa Rural Water – Cory Conference 180.00
TestAmerica Laboratories – Sewer 827.00
TestAmerica Laboratories – Water 183.00
Windstream 329.26
Total August Payroll 9,607.20
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 15,393.57 | 76,141.94 |
Road Use | 55,894.21 | 53,998.67 |
Employee Benefits | ———– | 1,684.75 |
Local Option | 5,904.07 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,562.43 | 3,837.43 |
Sewer Debt | 11,119.30 | ———– |
Water | 60,982.71 | 77,063.43 |
Water Enterprise | 1,907.25 | 21,196.14 |
Fire Department – Andy Fensterman, Chief requested the Council approve Cooper Ingles to the Fire Department. Jared Diers motioned to approve. Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Ordered 10 sets of crossover gear, Association will purchase 7 and 3 from their budget. They will be cross-training with the Dyersville fire department and their aerial truck. Pork Chop Supper will be October 12, 2024
Ambulance – Had 3 calls.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
KIB – Still working on the north sign project.
Community Club – Cut dead trees down at the park. Trunk or Treat will be October 27th at the Ed-Co Elementary School. More info to follow. Request that time change for Trick or Treat. Hours seem too early.
Waterman motioned to make the hours for Trick or Treat 5:30 – 7:00 pm. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Streets should open later this week from the Water project. Anything not completed is to be blacktop. Council decided to hold off on cracksealing and wait for spring.. Also decided to not do striping on Main Street next year.
Pool & Recreation: Doing final finishing to close pool.
Water & Sewer: Doing final work to finish up the Water Loop Project.
Adjourned at 6:21 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 12, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Jared Diers and Steve Schilling were absent. Mayor Forkenbrock added invoice from Edgewood Reminder for $104.61 to bills for approval. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, July minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,356.68
LOST 5,670.73
Property Tax 1,281.88
DelCo Auditor – Election 75.00
From Community Club – Fireworks 8,025.00
Pool 1,771.67
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 85.27
RUT – County 3,234.26
DelCo Auditor – Library 2,681.92
Savings Account Interest 1,736.59
RUT – State 3,282.37
Access – Lib 130.26
Baker & Taylor – Lib 286.48
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 153.23
Demco – Lib 287.17
EFTPS – July 2,214.18
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 137.05
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 409.14
Iowa Department of Revenue – WH State 988.92
Iowa Workforce Development – SUTA 30.39
IPERS – July 1,286.86
Mary Fischer – Reimburse 49.87
Overdrive – Lib 392.64
Platte River Displays 4,815.00
Platte River Pyro 3,210.00
Windstream 329.28
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,558.77
Bi-County Disposal – July Pick Up 2,540.16
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 539.39
City of Dubuque – WRRC 160.00
DCED – Annual 1,465.00
Eastern Iowa Asphalt – Streets 875.00
Guttenberg Hospital – Tier Up 100.00
Hi-Vis – Streets 97.50
Hill Country CS – City, Pool, FD 609.53
Iowa One Call 9.10
J&R Supply – Water 1,430.00
Linn County Public Health – Pool 270.00
Midwest Patch – Streets 559.50
Quill 229.33
TestAmerica Laboritories – Sewer Annalysis 663.00
Tschiggfrie – Hydrant 12,689.22
Tschiggfrie – Water Main 3,608.82
Total July Payroll 9,874.35
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 19,594.93 | 29,804.22 |
Road Use | 6,516.63 | 2,077.12 |
Employee Benefits | 170.24 | 1,441.74 |
Local Option | 5,670.73 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,884.85 | 3,740.62 |
Sewer Debt | 11,510.33 | ———– |
Water | 4,608.52 | 2,455.01 |
Water Enterprise | 2,065.00 | ———– |
Fire Department – 4 calls. Waiting to take pumper for repairs. Department requested to reinstate Leo Clute to the department to help cover day calls. Brown motioned to approve. Second by Waterman. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Ambulance – Had 3 calls. Golf fundraiser was successful.
Library – Bree Ingles was present. Board hired a new Director, Adrienne White. Request was made for the Library to have a credit card. Motion by Jim Diers to approve. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Clerk will get the necessary forms filled out.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
KIB – Still working on the north sign project.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Comments that there still are some dark spots in town. Alliant needs to be contacted again. Clerk presented the 2023 Street Finance Report that was filed.
Pool & Recreation: Pool will close on August 16 for the season. It’s been a great season.
Building Permits: Ed & Connie Bolsinger, 300 1st Street – New Roof
Jason & Breanna Ingles, 401 1st Street – Garage w/sewer & water. Brown motioned to approve the permits. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Pay Application #1 for Ethan Koehn Construction for $77,472.17 was presented. Clerk requested to transfer funds from the ARPA/Cares savings in the amount of $56,276.03 to the water fund with the balance from Water Enterprise fund. Jim Diers motioned to approve the request for transfers and to pay Application #1. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Jim Diers motioned to approve the Liquor Permit for The Hub. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Waterman wanted to discuss possibly selling 2 of his lots. Wanted to know what they could be used for, possibly commercial. Council decided that should someone want to purchase, they should bring idea/drawing to the Council for approval.
Discussed what is next for the buying station. Maybe start advertising to see if there is interest.
Donna Boss, DCED was present representing the Fire Association. Discussion on possible expansion. Association will proceed with having some drawings made and then present them to the Council.
Adjourned at 6:36 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:01 p.m. Monday, July 8, 2024. On roll were Jared Diers, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Nick Brown arrived late. Steve Schilling was absent. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, June minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 29,120.57
LOST 4,655.09
Property Tax 2,986.22
Ambulance 202.62
Township – Elk Delaware 2,455.43
Community Center 45.00
From Sewer Debt 118670.00
Pool 2,397.25
Boy Scouts – Chlorine 36.70
Garbage Tags 229.00
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 70.29
Liquor/Cigarette Permits 746.82
Savings Account Interest 1,498.83
RUT – State 4,599.47
EFTPS – June 2,421.30
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 121.70
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 398.05
IFA – Sewer Payment 118,670.00
IPERS – June 1,690.65
Harland Checks 136.04
USPS – Box Rent 64.00
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,400.58
Bi-County Disposal – June Pick Up 2,540.16
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 642.66
Bodensteiner – City 217.04
DCED – Annual 1,465.00
Edgewood Tire & Auto – FD 289.99
Edgewood Reminder – May/June 378.87
ECIA – Annual 293.36
Hawkins – Water 299.80
Hill Country CS – City, Pool, AMB, FD 1,109.25
IDNR – Annual Water 42.35
John Deere Financial – City, Park, Pool, FD 221.12
Julie Wessel – Reimburse 22.99
Macqueen – FD 2,255.65
Martin Flags 580.59
PCC – AMB 794.67
Simons Fire Equipment – FD 185.38
Team Lab – City 273.00
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 631.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 61.00
Windstream 314.58
Total June Payroll 9,398.70
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 104,571.36 | 127,745.23 |
Road Use | 4,599.47 | 1,714.97 |
Employee Benefits | 290.77 | 1,480.09 |
Local Option | 4,655.09 | 27,711.72 |
Sewer | 7,344.78 | 3,987.56 |
Sewer Debt | 12,435.86 | 118,670.00 |
Water | 4,945.12 | 2,267.72 |
Water Enterprise | 1,987.46 | ———– |
Fire Department – Pumper will be down for repairs in July for 1-2 weeks. Gear should be arriving soon.
Ambulance – They had 31 calls this year. Golf fundraiser will be August 9th with tee time 5:30pm.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Celebration was successful! Plan on Movie in the Park before school starts.
KIB – Nothing new to report.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Will have estimate for work on New Street next month. Construction meeting scheduled for July 10 on the Water Loop Project.
Council would like to add speed limit signs under digital ones.
Pool & Recreation: Pool application. Jim Diers motioned to accept the application for Baskethouse, Zohee Hammons. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Council felt we need to flush water hydrants more often.
Waterman motioned to approve the Liquor Permit for Willie’s Legacy LLC. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Discussed returning rent check to Kenkel Livestock since they will not be able to use the buying station. City will return it. Community Club can use facility for storage for now. Just need to do some clean out.
Adjourned at 6:22 pm. Waterman motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 10, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. Motion made by Jared Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Steve Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, May minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 29,631.36
LOST 5,683.87
Property Tax 7,340.27
Ambulance 5,156.50
Township – Colony & Mallory 30,907.65
KIB Grant/Donation 2,881.26
Building Permits 10.00
Fangman Racing – Chlorine 60.00
Savings Account Interest 1,642.54
RUT – State 3,285.16
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 497.52
EFTPS – May 1,719.13
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
FSB – Colesburg Bucks 175.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 117.44
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 376.89
IPERS – May 1,175.51
Manchester Press – LIB 62.00
USPS – Stamps 408.00
Windstream 167.02
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,199.12
Baker & Taylor – LIB 20.40
Banyon Data 2,520.00
Bi-County Disposal – May Pick Up 2,515.20
Bi-County Disposal – City Wide Cleanup 474.90
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 330.46
Breanna Ingles – Reimburse 120.00
Carrico – Pool 344.95
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 61.64
Comelec – LIB 20.00
Dubuque Co. Extension – LIB 39.65
Every’s – FD, City 74.76
Four Scoops & More – LIB 80.00
GPM – Sewer 235.00
Hawkeye Electric – Pool 218.80
Hill Country CS – City, Pool, LIB, FD 760.46
Ioponics – LIB 143.75
John Deere Financial – City, Park, Pool 41.61
Julie Wessel – Reimburse 29.81
Kiefer – Pool 206.91
Meisner Outdoor Maintenance – City 120.00
Miller Flooring – Community Center 8,785.35
Miranda Beyer – LIB 100.00
Post Office – Box Rental 64.00
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 611.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 61.00
USA Bluebook – Sewer 64.73
Total May Payroll 8,833.99
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 52,415.70 | 20,487.07 |
Road Use | 3,285.16 | 2,135.30 |
Employee Benefits | 971.26 | 1,764.05 |
Local Option | 5,683.87 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,984.71 | 4,286.02 |
Sewer Debt | 12,120.01 | ———– |
Water | 4,711.24 | 2,987.97 |
Water Enterprise | 2,081.96 | ———– |
Fire Department – Pumper will be down for repairs in July for 1-2 weeks. Plans have been made to cover it being out of service.
Ambulance – They had 4 calls.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Group requested pool to be open July 5th from 7-11pm while other celebration activities are going on. Schilling made the motion to do free admission that evening. Second by Brown. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. The group decided to give each guard working that evening a $50 bonus. At their last meeting they also decided to increase guards monthly bonuses by $2 per hour worked.
KIB – Still working on the North welcome sign project. Request all the flags be updated before the celebration.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Discussed streets; Council will revisit what to do on New Street this winter. Jared Diers motioned to accept the bid from Kluesner Construction to do cracksealing. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Striping, minus Main Street will be completed before the Community celebration.
Pool & Recreation: Pool applications. Jim Diers motioned to accept the application for Baskethouse, Breanna Bush. Lifeguards, McKenna Bush, Ella Wulfekuhle and Jayden Schwandt. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Kylie Amling will provide some oversight.
Jim Diers Motioned to accept Resolution 2024-06-10 to set wages for City Employees. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Nick Brown motioned to approve Cigarette Permits for Hill Country CS & The Hub. Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Schilling motioned to approve the Beer Permit for Hill Country CS. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Jared Diers motioned to approve the rental of the old hog buying station for $250/month. Second by Jim Diers. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:36 pm. Waterman motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 13, 2024. On roll were Jared Diers, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Nick Brown and Steve Schilling were absent. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Jared Diers to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, April minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,060.91
LOST 4,277.06
Property Tax 60, 404.93
Ambulance 6,818.64
From AMB Savings 12,172.85
Library 2,681.91
KIB Prom Proceeds 1,215.00
RUT – County 2,515.76
Township – ELK Delaware 2,990.00
Savings Account Interest 1,664.64
RUT – State 3,300.00
Access Systems – LIB 252.68
Baker & Taylor – Lib 170.86
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 167.67
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – April 1,808.61
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Guttenberg Press – LIB 48.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 117.80
Iowa Department of Revenue – St WH 832.39
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 373.65
IPERS – April 1,256.87
Iowa Workforce – SUTA 25.91
USPS – Box Rent – LIB 84.00
Windstream 146.87
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,397.25
Bi-County Disposal – April Pick Up 2,515.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 529.06
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 106.38
Carrico – Pool 2,134.04
Cory Schenke – Reimburse 7.50
Edgewood Reminder 357.44
Ehrhardt, Gnagy, McCorkindale & Vorwald 75.00
Feld Fire – FD 6,249.00
Hawkins – Chlorine 146.69
Hill Country CS – City, Amb 209.20
Midwest Breathing Air – FD 691.00
Nick Brown – Reimburse FD 195.68
Quill 492.93
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 627.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 61.00
Total April Payroll 6,263.76
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 67,885.44 | 33,094.43 |
Road Use | 5,815.76 | 4,678.91 |
Employee Benefits | 8,033.47 | 1,304.34 |
Local Option | 4,277.06 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,911.47 | 8,139.18 |
Sewer Debt | 11,702.19 | ———– |
Water | 4,941.55 | 7,654.16 |
Water Enterprise | 2,105.63 | ———– |
Fire Department – Checking Bunker Gear to see where they are in replacing sets and setting up a plan to purchase some every year. They are also looking to get 4 sets of Crossover Gear every year.
Ambulance – They had 5 calls.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Annual Golf Outing will be June 1st at the Lone Pine. Fourth of July celebration will be held on July 5th & 6th. Friday evening is the 5k and night golf with the rest of the celebration on Saturday.
KIB – Received grant dollars from FFDC in the amount of $2,781.26 for the North welcome sign project.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Need gravel in some areas and potholes still need filled.
Pool & Recreation: Pool applications. Jared Diers motioned to accept the application for Baskethouse, Ella Davidshofer, Addison Schmelzer, Brady Brown and Avery Brown. Lifeguards, Katy Brunsman and Shawn Brunsman. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Plan on opening on Saturday June 1. The new heater should be installed this week. We are looking for an adult to do some oversight.
Building Permits: Kenzie Barnhart & Zander Carter, 128 Main Street, Yard Fence. Jared Diers motioned to approve. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Jackson Street Water Looping Project scheduled to start after July 4th.
Waterman motioned to approve the Township Contracts. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Discussed the rental of the buying station. Jim Diers motioned to approve the rental when the property becomes the City’s. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Request to transfer dollars from LOST to pay for the new flooring in the community center. Jared Diers motioned to approve the transfer. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Jared Diers and Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:20 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 15, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, March minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,514.22
LOST 4,114.32
Property Tax 4,312.52
Ambulance 4,184.17
Reimburse Stamps 8.16
Building Permits 70.00
Community Center 320.00
IAMU Dividend 1,618.00
Overpayment to Vendor 800.00
Savings Account Interest 1,487.42
RUT – State 2,352.12
Baker & Taylor – Lib 162.57
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – March 1,634.45
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
FSB – Returned Check 180.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 109.59
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 406.25
IPERS – March 1,132.43
State Library of Iowa – Carol 175.00
USPS – Stamps 204.00
Windstream 233.47
Zoll – Amb Pymt 12,172.85
Alliant Energy- Utilities 2,989.68
Bi-County Disposal – March Pick Up 2,515.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 570.49
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 21.06
City of Dubuque WRRC 20.00
Community Insurance FY24/25 32,076.00
Delaware County Auditor – Election 495.72
Department of Inspections, Appeals & Licensing – Pool 35.00
Edgewood Farm & Home – City, CC 36.46
Edgewood Reminder 135.47
Every’s Auto & Tire – City, FD 905.63
Feld Fire – FD 524.75
Hill Country CS – City, FD, Amb 765.50
IAMU – Water Dues FY24/25 691.00
IMFOA – Clerknet 50.00
John Deere Financial – City, Water 109.69
PCC – Amb 297.26
Sara Phelps – Reimburse 150.00
State Hygienic Lab – Water 999.50
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 724.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 61.00
USA Bluebook – Sewer 326.77
Total March Payroll 6,699.73
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 71,538.00 | 99,997.48 |
Road Use | 2,352.12 | 2,486.99 |
Employee Benefits | 573.54 | 1,413.68 |
Local Option | 4,114.32 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,703.33 | 5,451.55 |
Sewer Debt | 11,248.52 | ———– |
Water | 4,634.55 | 3,000.50 |
Water Enterprise | 2,022.68 | ———– |
Fire Department – Looking into cost of Bunker Gear. Asked if City would purchase 2 & Association 2.
Ambulance – Looking into Ambulance be dispatched to some Fire calls.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club –
KIB – Adult Prom on went really well.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Potholes need filled. Quote was presented from Kluesner for cracksealing. No action taken at this time.
Pool & Recreation: Had 2 pool applications. Jared Diers motioned to accept the application for Baskethouse, Cooper Brown and Lifeguard, Ashley Schilling. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Building Permits: Eric & Jennifer Cherne, 308 New Street, Re-Roof and New Siding. Jared Diers motioned to approve. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Mayor Forkenbrock opened the Public Hearing of the Jackson Street Water Looping Project at 6:13pm.
Jason Wenger, Burrington Group was present. Ethan Koehn Construction had the low bid of $144,176.65 with a midsummer start timeframe. Hearing was closed at 6:17pm. Brown motioned to accept the bid and move forward with the project. Second by Waterman. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mayor Forkenbrock opened the Public Hearing for the 2024/2025 Budget at 6:18pm. With no visitors or comments from the public the hearing was closed at 6:19pm. Jared Diers motioned to approve the 2024/2025 Budget. Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Presented bids for the Community Center flooring. Jared Diers motioned to approve the bid from Miller Flooring for $8,630.49 which included removal. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: Waterman. Motion carried.
Jared Diers motioned to approve the Liquor License for the Lone Pine Country Club. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:24 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:02 p.m. Monday, March 11, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Steve Schilling and Jim Diers. Roger Waterman was absent. Mayor Forkenbrock added a late bill for approval from the State Auditor for $1,200.00. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, February minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,889.18
LOST 6,489.82
Property Tax 136.87
Ambulance 2,665.60
Savings Account Interest 1,476.77
RUT – State 2,970.00
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – February 2,112.35
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
FSB – Returned Check 142.02
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 123.89
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 387.28
IPERS – February 1,388.79
Windstream 366.49
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,364.27
Bi-County Disposal – February Pick Up 2,515.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 679.97
Brown’s – Amb 1,635.09
Carrico – Pool Heater 5,108.11
City of Earlville – Tier Up 150.00
Cory Schenke – Reimburse 20.15
Delaware County Sheriff 16,814.00
Edgewood Reminder 130.25
Hawkins – Water 264.22
Hendersons – City 285.12
Hill Country CS – City, FD 158.79
Julie Wessel – Reimburse 25.48
John Deere Financial – City 106.86
Midwest Breathing Air – FD 209.20
NAPA – City 31.48
Trojan Technologies – Sewer 1,627.46
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 609.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 61.00
Total February Payroll 6,102.91
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 14,492.55 | 8,908.78 |
Road Use | 2,970.80 | 4,198.19 |
Employee Benefits | 18.20 | 1,278.50 |
Local Option | 6,489.82 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,725.08 | 3,905.06 |
Sewer Debt | 12,352.51 | ———– |
Water | 4,676.09 | 2,249.22 |
Water Enterprise | 2,023.72 | ———– |
Fire Department – Had 3 calls. Working on grants. Have had 3 controlled burns.
Ambulance – 4 calls. Fundraisers Easter, 4th of July, August golf outing.
Library – No Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Music 3/22 at JR’s. Easter Egg Hunt will be held like last year at 4:00pm at the Elementary school.
KIB – Adult Prom on April 13th at the Lone Pine. Raising funds for 2nd sign on the North end of town and applying for a grant from Foundation of the uture.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Getting sweeper out next week. Getting drone pics to show Alliant dark spots.
Pool & Recreation: Clerk will attend job fair on March 27th to try to recruit workers. Heater will be installed in the Spring.
Building Permits: Reid & Jane Kuhlman, 701 Main Street, Re-Roof. Tom & Becky Forkenbrock, 815 1st Street, New Shed. Brown motioned to approve. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Burrington Group was present to discuss the Water Main Looping Project. Council asked to change scope to 8” pipes. Burrington will go out for bids. Bids will be opened April 4th @ 11:00am. Public Hearing will be scheduled for April 15th @ 6:00pm.
Alison Leuchtenmacher, the new attorney to replace Steve McCorkindale was present to meet the Council and answer any questions.
Adjourned at 6:39 pm. Jared Diers motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the special meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:03 pm Monday, February 19, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the budget and to make any adjustments. Council decided to set April 1, 2024 as the date for the Tax Levy Hearing. It will be held at the Community Center at 12:00pm.
Clerk requested to have the date of the April meeting changed to accommodate the publishing requirement for budget approval. Waterman motioned to change the meeting date for April to the third Monday, April 15. Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Schilling, Jared Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:26 pm. Schilling motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Schilling, Jared Diers, Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, February 12, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. Jim Diers was absent. Motion made by Waterman. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, January minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,716.18
LOST 4,909.33
Property Tax 967.02
FSB – Ambulance Donation 250.00
Savings Account Interest 1,561.98
RUT – State 3,377.04
Chuck Niehaus – Reimbursement 205.20
Comelec – Lib 10.00
Comelec – FD Router 139.00
EFTPS – January 1,816.04
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 1,329.23
Iowa Department of Revenue – ST WH 859.26
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 387.28
Iowa Workforce Development – SUTA 12.81
IPERS – January 1,729.28
USPS – Stamps 198.00
Windstream 346.16
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,561.25
Bi-County Disposal – January Pick Up 2,515.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 614.30
Edgewood Reminder 104.16
Every’s – City 399.90
Hawkins – Water 148.69
Hill Country CS – City, FD, Amb 1,211.90
Housby – Streets 340.22
Iowa One Call 16.30
John Deere Financial – City 39.97
Maggie Fensterman – Reimburse 254.40
Mary Fischer – Reimburse 18.00
NICC – Recert 7.00
Pat’s Repair – City 360.00
Quill – City/FD 272.91
Silveredge – Diesel 356.50
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 478.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 5.94
Total December Payroll 7,187.57
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 14,353.40 | 15,004.15 |
Road Use | 8,377.04 | 8,014.85 |
Employee Benefits | 128.61 | 1,557.17 |
Local Option | 4,909.33 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,865.69 | 4,031.74 |
Sewer Debt | 11,625.80 | ———– |
Water | 4,651.96 | 2,519.63 |
Water Enterprise | 2,0.73.18 | ———– |
Fire Department – Andy Fensterman wanted to let the Council know what a committed department we have.
Ambulance – Had 10 calls in January. We will begin running Paramedic Provisional when Maggie Fensterman is on the call as soon as the necessary paperwork is completed. Had the hub assembly fixed at Browns. Planning a Golf Outing Fundraiser in August.
Library – No Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Had their membership drive, February & March music fundraisers coming up and the Easter Egg Hunt.
KIB – Adult Prom on April 13th at the Lone Pine. Raising funds for 2nd sign on the North end of town and requested a City match. Motion made by Schilling to match up to $3,000. Second by Waterman. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Marla Quinn, ECIA/KIB rep was present to discuss the group’s efforts in the last year and update us on projects completed.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Complaints on some dark areas in town. Need to contact Alliant again.
Pool & Recreation: Getting ready to start advertising for pool workers.
Building Permits: St. Pat’s Church, 708 Delaware Street, Concrete Pad. Waterman motion to approve. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
The date for Budget Workshop was set for February 19, 2024, 6:00pm at the City Office.
City was notified that bid was accepted for the JBS hog buying station. Probably be another month til sale is complete. Council felt it was important to purchase for possible future use or sale. We will need to fix a water issue. Have had someone inquire about leasing it.
Clerk asked if the Council would be interested in some updates to the Community Center. The flooring is in really bad shape and requested purchasing a new TV and removing the large one that is there. Council agreed to look at some estimates.
Our City Attorney will be retiring in April. The Attorney replacing him would like to continue at that position. Council would like her to come to the next meeting.
Adjourned at 6:33 pm. Jared Diers motioned to adjourn. Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Schilling, Waterman, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the special meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:01 pm Monday, January 15, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman.
The purpose of the meeting was to have the Council discuss the possibility of purchasing some property and to go into closed session pursuant to the Code of Iowa Section 21.5.
Jared Diers motioned to go into closed session to discuss making a bid on the property. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Closed Session
Jared Diers motioned to leave closed session. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers, Schilling, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
There was nothing new to report on the water project.
Adjourned at 6:13 pm. Jared Diers motioned to adjourn. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Schilling, Jared Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, January 8, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, December minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 29,674.34
Garbage Tags 28.00
LOST 5,175.28
Property Tax 4,768.15
EMC – Insurance claim 14,449.44
Library 1,456.39
Savings Account Interest 1,533.60
RUT – State 3,474.47
Baker & Taylor – Lib 213.34
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 106.99
Comelec – Lib 10.00
Dyersville Commercial – Lib 60.00
EFTPS – December 1,816.04
Four Scoops & More – Lib 58.00
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 409.49
IPERS – December 1,156.14
Library – Petty Cash 117.55
Scholastic – Lib 54.55
USPS – Stamps 198.00
Windstream 345.85
Access Systems – Lib 247.88
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,382.74
Bi-County Disposal – December Pick Up 2,515.20
Baker & Taylor – Lib 167.16
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 151.20
Demco – Lib 146.60
Edgewood Reminder 73.40
Hawkins – Water 148.69
Hill Country CS – City, FD, Amb 586.86
Iowa Library Association 30.00
John Deere Financial – Streets/Water 50.85
Martin Equipment – Streets 565.00
Martin Flag 212.76
Rachel Moser – Reimburse 124.69
Quill – City 272.91
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 514.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 25.38
Total December Payroll 13,091.87
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 10,236.73 | 16,903.58 |
Road Use | 3,474.47 | 3,606.80 |
Employee Benefits | 634.13 | 2,269.00 |
Local Option | 5,175.28 | ———– |
Sewer | 7,660.25 | 4,399.03 |
Sewer Debt | 12,775.19 | 11,670.00 |
Water | 19,268.69 | 20,415.32 |
Water Enterprise | 2,094.89 | ———– |
Fire Department – Had 17 calls. Andy Fensterman remains Fire Chief.
Ambulance – Had 58 calls in 2024. Tiered with ALS Service 10 times. Considering going Paramedic Provisional when Maggie Fensterman is on the call. Need to check with City insurance. Soup & Sandwich Supper on January 20th at St. Pat’s Parish Center from 4 – 7pm.
Library – No Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Music will start again on January 20 at The Hub.
KIB – Adult Prom on April 13th at the Lone Pine. Raising funds for 2nd sign on the North end of town and remaining pool updates.
Committee reports are as follows:
Pool & Recreation: Getting ready to start advertising for pool workers.
Water & Sewer: David Meyers with the Burrington Group was present to discuss the upcoming water project. Council is anxious to get it going. The project will be in the $120,000.00 range. Some water easements will be necessary. Will have plans at the February 12th Council meeting.
Donna Boss, DCED was present to give her annual Economic Development report. Reminded Council of Foundation Grant deadlines and some of the other plans in the works for 2024.
Carl Scherbring was present to talk about a possible new Fire Station. Will need to put together a task force should the Fire Department wish to move forward.
The JBS hog buying station is for sale. Jim Diers motioned Council hold a closed session meeting to set up a bid. Steve Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Meeting will be January 15 @ 6:00pm in the City Office.
Discussion on Garbage/Recycle of Non-Resident. Council decided City should not allow. Mayor Forkenbrock will take care of it.
New Comelec contract was presented and included the Fire Station as an additional consideration.
Jared Diers motioned to approve the list of Offices for 2024. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Approved Offices: Jim Diers – Mayor Pro-Tem, Cory Schenke – City Maintenance, Julie Wessel – City Clerk, Steve McCorkindale – City Attorney, Andy Fensterman – Fire Chief, Edgewood Reminder – City Paper, Library Board – Shelley Wiskus, Sharon Walters, Trudy Daily, Breanna Ingles, Brittany Steffen, Brittany White, Gina Clute.
Adjourned at 6:40 pm. Jared Diers motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, December 11, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, November minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 27,547.82
Ambulance 1,554.02
Garbage Tags 37.00
LOST 5,590.02
Property Tax 10,074.32
Building Permit 10.00
From KIB Savings 1,985.00
Library 3,910.31
RUT – County 3,168.34
Savings Account Interest 1,456.90
RUT – State 3,193.14
EFTPS – November 1,816.04
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 375.46
Iowa Finance Authority – Loan 11,670.00
Iowa Firefighters Assoc. – FD 289.00
IPERS – November 1,279.62
The Northway Corp. – Water 16,949.44
USPS – Stamps 198.00
Windstream 279.68
Alliant Energy- Utilities 2,828.00
Bi-County Disposal – November Pick Up 2,515.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 829.92
Boriskey CCI – Office 18.50
Edgewood Farm & Home – FD 9.67
Edgewood Reminder 90.17
Every’s 898.34
Hill Country CS – City 310.13
Iowa DNR – Permit Fee 85.00
NAPA – Sewer 46.49
PCC – Amb 1,253.76
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 734.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 25.38
Total November Payroll 6,246.19
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 99,504.40 | 91,735.72 |
Road Use | 6,361.48 | 1,844.10 |
Employee Benefits | 1,334.86 | 1,304.28 |
Local Option | 5,590.02 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,580.02 | 3,871.49 |
Sewer Debt | 10,935.34 | ———– |
Water | 4,453.21 | 21,386.62 |
Water Enterprise | 1,963.54 | ———– |
Fire Department – Had 5 calls. Waterman moved to approve Tyler Zacek to the Fire Department. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Ambulance – Had 6 calls. They will be hosting a Soup & Sandwich Supper on January 20th at St. Pat’s Parish Center. It will run from 4 – 7pm.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Santa and the drawing were successful. Will be doing music again this winter at the Lone Pine, Hub and JR Willie’s.
KIB – Planning an Adult Prom for April 13th at the Lone Pine. More information will follow.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets and Sidewalks: Need to finish up cold patching. With snow season upon us need to send letters to those that have vehicles parked on the street. Discussed the American flags and that they need to be replaced regularly. Will order replacements.
Pool & Recreation:
Water & Sewer: Council discussed the Burrington Group water project. Mayor will contact them. Also discussed A couple more properties that need attention.
Contact has been made with Comelec about the current contract. It has been asked to include the Fire station as one of the complimentary users.
Much discussion on the new tote system from Bi-County. Decided clerk will contact them and see if they could forward more information and request someone from the staff come to our next meeting.
Council has some concern about lighting by the school and various areas around town. Need to contact Alliant.
Adjourned at 6:30 pm. Waterman motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, November 13, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Mayor Forkenbrock made an addition to bills for approval, The Northway Company for $17,922.75. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, October minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 27,809.80
Ambulance 1,418.58
Garbage Tags 20.00
LOST 4,959.68
Property Tax 62,033.64
Township Mallory/Osterdock 3,379.20
Liquor Permits 520.00
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 135.62
Savings Account Interest 1,533.26
RUT – State 3,238.71
Access Systems – Lib 118.41
Baker & Taylor – Lib 111.78
Comelec – Lib 10.00
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 156.63
EFTPS – October 1,918.57
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Gabe Flynn – Lib 45.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – St WH 759.01
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 417.88
Iowa League of Cities – Budget 50.00
Iowa Workforce Development – SUTA 15.88
IPERS – October 1,331.69
Modern Marketing – Lib 63.08
Waterloo Tent & Tarp – KIB 1,985.00
Windstream 275.84
Alliant Energy- Utilities 2,884.19
Baker & Taylor – Lib 48.18
Bi-County Disposal – October Pick Up 2,418.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 309.31
Carol Walthart – Lib 47.52
City of Dubuque WRRC 44.00
Comelec – Lib 10.00
Dubuque Fire Equipment – All 335.60
Edgewood Farm & Home – FD 89.98
Edgewood Reminder 89.26
Hawkins – Water 287.95
Hill Country CS – City, Amb 382.46
Iowa Rural Water – Dues 2024 305.00
J&R Supply – Water 20.00
John Deere Financial – Misc 141.76
Kuehl Construction 290.00
Midwest Breathing Air – FD 911.05
NAPA – Sewer 468.97
Scholastic – Lib 61.97
Team Lab – Pool 483.00
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 478.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 348.00
USA Bluebook – Sewer/City 335.98
US Cellular – AMB 27.75
Total September Payroll 8,764.03
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 66,112.66 | 13,509.43 |
Road Use | 3,238.71 | 2,547.33 |
Employee Benefits | 8,247.62 | 1,438.39 |
Local Option | 4,959.68 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,856.47 | 3,359.45 |
Sewer Debt | 12,250.66 | ———– |
Water | 4,791.33 | 2,872.43 |
Water Enterprise | 2,021.95 | ———– |
Fire Department – Hosted Clayton County Meeting. Yearly letter will be going out, need to upgrade 202.
Ambulance – No report.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – December 9th will be vendors and Santa at the Elementary School. Will be doing music again this winter at the Lone Pine, Hub and JR Willie’s.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets and Sidewalks: Still need to finish patching before winter.
Pool & Recreation: Jared Diers motioned that we purchase the heater from Carrico, Installation by S&R Plumbing & Heating. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Council discussed what to do with the old well pipe. Jared Diers motioned to sell the pipe for scrap. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Comelec Contract is coming due in December. Need to request adding the Fire Department to accounts the City has.
Jared Diers motioned to approve the Resolution to Appoint Representatives to Clayton County E-911 Board. Andy Fensterman and alternate Cory Schenke. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:21 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 11, 2023. On roll were Jared Diers, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Nick Brown was absent. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, September minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,391.84
Ambulance 240.00
Garbage Tags 60.00
Community Center 90.00
LOST 5,951.70
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 86.66
Savings Account Interest 1,342.67
RUT – State 4,506.98
Access Systems – Lib 160.00
Biblionix – Lib 800.00
Comelec – Lib 10.00
Del-Co Fire Association 25.00
Demco – Lib 134.92
EFTPS – September 1,750.27
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
FSB – Box Rent 30.00
FSB – Box Rent 10.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 378.77
IPERS – September 1,125.71
USPS – Stamps 396.00
Windstream 273.64
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,271.16
Bi-County Disposal – September Pick Up 2,318.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 258.66
Duane Staner – Reimburse 178.01
Edgewood Farm & Home – Misc 203.72
Edgewood Reminder 239.14
Every’s Auto & Tire – City 25.00
Feld Fire – FD 686.00
Grainger – City 207.71
Guttenberg Hospital – Tier Up 100.00
Hill Country CS – City, FD, Amb, Lib 172.32
IDNR – Water Use 115.00
John Deere Financial – Misc 23.91
Kirkwood – FD 120.00
MARC – City 1,034.20
MM Mechanical – Pool 116.30
Pat’s Repair – Amb 399.05
Quill – City 144.47
Spahn & Rose – City 22.26
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 514.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
UofI Hygienic Lab – Water 203.50
US Cellular – AMB 30.12
Total September Payroll 7,059.32
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 13,464.36 | 10,598.74 |
Road Use | 4,506.98 | 2,145.08 |
Employee Benefits | 1,394.65 | 1,494.98 |
Local Option | 5,951.70 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,974.33 | 4,159.61 |
Sewer Debt | 11,292.61 | ———– |
Water | 4,789.28 | 2,872.03 |
Water Enterprise | 2,088.07 | ———– |
Fire Department – Kindergarten touring station on Friday. Pork Chop Supper is October 14.
Ambulance – 34 Calls thru September.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Trunk or Treat is on October 29th at the Elementary school. Starts at 4:30pm.
Committee reports are as follows:
Pool & Recreation: Still looking at options for a pool heater.
Building Permits: Doug & Ronda Bailey, 201 Hubbard Street – Deck. Waterman motioned to approve. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Campbell Kirby Ed-Co Arts student was present. She brought some samples for creating a new City Logo. After looking at our new sign on the south end of town she will bring us more. Thanks Campbell.
Clerk presented the Annual Financial Report and the Annual Street Report for Council to view.
Jared Diers motioned to set Trick or Treat for October 31st from 5:00-6:30pm. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:24 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 11, 2023. On roll were Jared Diers, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Nick Brown was absent. Mayor Forkenbrock added a mobile trailer to the agenda. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Jared Diers to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, August minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,611.06
Ambulance 150.84
Pool 970.25
Liquor Permits 357.50
LOST 5,917.55
Library 2,681.91
Savings Account Interest 1,402.76
RUT – State 3,207.71
April Hoisington – Reimburse 294.72
Baker & Taylor – Lib 133.55
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 403.59
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – August 1,952.83
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 403.56
Iowa Library Association – Conference 185.00
IPERS – August 1,215.17
Windstream 343.96
Ace Homeworks – Misc. 156.61
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,845.18
Banyon – ACH Support 195.00
Bi-County Disposal – August Pick Up 2,318.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 304.50
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 18.36
City of Dubuque WRRC 30.00
Hill Country CS – All 454.81
Hawkins – Chlorine 288.64
John Deere Financial – Misc 258.97
Linn Co. Public Health – Pool 270.00
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 734.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 30.12
Total August Payroll 7,277.54
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 31,624.75 | 10,012.72 |
Road Use | 13,207.71 | 6,587.99 |
Employee Benefits | ———– | 1,283.46 |
Local Option | 5,917.55 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,789.63 | 3,294.57 |
Sewer Debt | 12,043.13 | ———– |
Water | 4,718.22 | 2,564.59 |
Water Enterprise | 2,044.37 | ———– |
Fire Department – Pork Chop Supper is coming up on October 14.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Matt Beatty is interested in writing a grant for a mobile trailer. He will be coming to our next meeting. Bathrooms are almost complete, floors epoxied. Had a back to school movie night. Planted a tree. Trunk or Treat coming up at the school. Watch for information.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Discussed speeding and not stopping at the Main stop sign. Also kids on golf carts, ATV’s need to be reminded to slow down.
Pool & Recreation: Pool heater needs to be replaced. Have a quote for $9200 but will visit again next month with a couple more quotes.
Building Permits: Brian Boardman, 316 Hubbard Street – Yard fence. Jim Diers motioned to approve. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Don VonHandorf was present to discuss his sewer. He passed out minutes from previous meetings pertaining to his disconnect. Discussion followed and it was decided the Council never approved removal of the sewer connection.
Jared Diers motioned to approve the Hill Country CS Liquor License. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Waterman motioned to approve Resolution 2023-09-11 Intent to participate in Flood Management Program. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Jared Diers motioned to approve the first reading and dispense of readings 2 & 3 of Ordinance 161 – Flood Management Program. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:29 pm. Jared Diers motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 14, 2023. Clerk was absent. On roll were Nick Brown, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Jared Diers and Amy Neuhaus were absent. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, July minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 29,619.82
Property Tax 873.57
Ambulance 286.17
Pool 2,017.19
Community Center Rental 135.00
Colesburg Community Club – Fireworks 7,800.00
Building Permits 25.00
Liquor Permits 357.00
Mallory Township (2,656.50) Colony Township (18,743.00) 21,399.50
LOST 5,363.70
Work Comp Audit Refund 93.00
RUT – County 3,257.64
Library 2,536.30
Savings Account Interest 1,035.85
RUT – State 3,242.00
Access Systems – Lib 118.41
Baker & Taylor – Lib 140.21
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – July 2,578.53
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 470.68
Iowa Department of Revenue – WH 793.06
IPERS – June 1,673.74
Overdrive – Lib 381.06
Platte River Displays – Community Club 4,680.00
Platte River Pyros – Community Club 3,120.00
USPS – Stamps 189.00
Windstream 320.59
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,379.54
Apparatus Testing Services – FD 667.25
Bi-County Disposal – July Pick Up 2,318.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 419.38
Bodensteiner – City 25.38
Carrico – Pool 79.37
Delaware County Econ Dev – Annual 1,465.00
ECIA – KIB Match 500.00
Edgewood Reminder 135.96
Hawkins – Chlorine 301.48
Hill Country CS – All 555.27
IDNR – Annual Sewer Fee 210.00
IDNR – Annual Water Fee 42.47
Iowa One Call 11.70
Iowa Rural Water – Fall Conference 170.00
J&R Supply – Water 120.00
John Deere Financial – Misc 68.91
PCC – Amb 13.78
Quill 93.96
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 514.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 27.41
Total July Payroll 8,801.98
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 151,468.27 | 118.966.96 |
Road Use | 6,499.64 | 2,233.15 |
Employee Benefits | 107.39 | 1,388.00 |
Local Option | 5,363.70 | ———– |
Sewer | 37,453.55 | 34,398.61 |
Sewer Debt | 14,099.44 | ———– |
Water | 4,470.90 | 3,545.51 |
Water Enterprise | 2,031.67 | ———– |
Fire Department – Monthly Report. Supervisors are updating the paging system for the radios. Pork Chop Supper is coming up on October 14.
Ambulance – Had 5 calls.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Starting the tiling on the softball diamond.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Discussed Truck Route, needing an arrow added to signage on the corner of Main & Delaware to point south of town.
Pool & Recreation: Pool closed for season on August 13.
Building Permits: Arnie & Cindy Ingles, 408 Hubbard Street – Carport on front driveway. Jim Diers motioned to approve. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Waterman motioned to approve The Hub Liquor License. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Due to unforeseen circumstances Neuhaus was unable to turn in her resignation. Council discussed how they were going to handle it. Brown motioned that the Council vacancy be filled by election. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:23 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:02 p.m. Monday, July 10, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jim Diers, Jared Diers, Amy Neuhaus and Roger Waterman. Mayor Forkenbrock added reimbursement for Maggie Fensterman for supplies, $918.84 and added Building Permits for Shawn Engelken and Jennifer Atkinson for approval. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, June minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 30,544.29
Property Tax 2,142.71
Ambulance 1,855.80
Pool 3,498.60
Outrun the Rays Grant – KIB 2,160.00
Garbage Tags 204.00
Community Center Rental 45.00
KIB Donation – 2 Benches 775.00
Building Permits 30.00
Cigarette Permits 150.00
Elk Township (Delaware) 2,291.62
LOST 5,519.70
From KIB to Pay for Benches/Tables 3,295.00
From KIB Finish Project 992.43
From KIB to Pay for Guard Chair 1,434.12
Savings Account Interest 928.97
RUT – State 4,453.41
Anderson Welding – KIB Project 650.00
Baker & Taylor – Lib 67.15
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 331.43
Comelec – Lib 10.00
Demco – Lib 174.13
EFTPS – June 1,613.29
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa DNR – Recert 120.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 432.30
IFA – Sewer Loan Payment 117,720.00
IMFOA – Clerk Dues 50.00
IPERS – June 1,056.14
Plastic Recycling of Iowa – KIB Project 3,295.00
Terri Ellerbach – Lib 100.00
USPS – Box Rent 60.00
USPS – Stamps 189.00
Windstream 488.92
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,385.33
Bi-County Disposal – June Pick Up 2,281.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 406.74
Bodensteiner – Mower 88.75
Carrico – Pool 70.05
City of Dubuque WRRC – Water 160.00
Cory Schenke – Reimburse 15.25
ECIA – Annual Dues 285.64
Edgewood Farm & Home – City 63.97
Edgewood Reminder 98.37
Hawkins – Chlorine 301.48
Hill Country CS – City, FD, Pool 1,244.27
Iowa League of Cities – Annual Dues 466.00
John Deere Financial – Misc 505.22
Meuser Lumber 5.58
Midwest Patch – Speed Bumps 220.00
Quill 187.32
Sandry – FD 1,957.22
Silveredge CoOp – Diesel 444.00
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 670.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 168.00
US Cellular – AMB 24.70
Total June Payroll 10,847.14
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 40,116.04 | 48,533.30 |
Road Use | 4,453.41 | 2,158.02 |
Employee Benefits | 196.70 | 1,881.42 |
Local Option | 5,519.70 | 18,628.11 |
Sewer | 7,150.37 | 4,291.41 |
Sewer Debt | 13,756.74 | 117,720.00 |
Water | 5,093.59 | 4,104.57 |
Water Enterprise | 2,167.43 | ———– |
Fire Department – Monthly Report.
Ambulance – Fundraiser Golf Outing August 25th at $25/person
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report. Need to be more attention to speeders coming in and leaving town. Suggestion of adding more stop signs.
Community Club – New fencing installed, new sound system, scoreboard repair completed at the ball field. They have purchased a screen for movie nights. Council discussed personal fireworks. Will consider an Ordinance to stop fireworks during the celebration and until the City fireworks are complete.
KIB – Still waiting on umbrellas for the pool project. They are planning an Adult Prom for November.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Need to speak to Chad Ernst about the sidewalk in front of his building. Discussed having to clean up the area along Parkview across from the shelter and speak to Mark Walthart about trees.
Pool & Recreation: Need to do a better job of upkeep at the pool.
Building Permits: Jennifer Atkinson, 305 New Street – Concrete work on driveway. Shawn Engelken, 309 New Street – New siding. Jim Diers motioned to approve. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Jared Diers motioned to approve JR Willie Liquor License. Neuhaus second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Waterman motioned that the Mayor be added to the investment policy and allowed to view all accounts. Neuhaus second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Jim Diers motioned that CD’s be consolidated to get better interest rates. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0.
Lott waterway was discussed. Holes are developing again. The City Attorney was consulted and City was advised that it is property owner’s responsibility to repair. Neuhaus reminded the Council she still has waterway issues.
Council discussed hanging trees. There will be notices sent to those with trees/limbs hanging over street and/or sidewalks.
Discussed Amy leaving and how the Council needs to handle with election coming up.
Clerk let the Council know she will not be here for the next Council meeting. Will have everything prepared for the meeting before leaving.
Adjourned at 6:48 pm. Jared Diers motioned to adjourn. Neuhaus second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 12, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Jared Diers and Amy Neuhaus were absent. Mayor Forkenbrock added Ethan Cornwell for $40 to the bills for approval. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, May minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,834.61
Property Tax 6,433.66
Ambulance 3,194.48
Community Insurance – Change in Valuation 732.00
Community Insurance – Refund 1,505.00
LOST 6,228.76
CD Interest 176.29
From Ambulance Savings 12,176.50
KIB Grant 4,000.00
Savings Account Interest 996.49
RUT – State 3,580.59
Baker & Taylor – Lib 152.01
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – May 1,620.73
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 397.84
IPERS – May 1,223.77
Library – Petty Cash 116.02
Manchester Press – Renew 60.00
Michael Frederick – Lib 20.00
Scholastic – Lib 52.43
Windstream 226.20
Zoll Medical Corporation – Amb 12,176.50
Ace Hardware – Misc 39.53
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,215.65
Banyon Data 2,520.00
Bard 203.94
Bi-County Disposal – May Pick Up 2,356.20
Bi-County Disposal – City Wide 408.55
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 307.12
Bodensteiner – Mower 103.57
Carol Walthart – Mileage 34.56
Carrico – Pool 742.10
Carrico – KIB Pool 1,434.12
Capital Sanitary Supply – Lib 58.30
Colesburg Community Club – Pool 66.75
City of Dubuque WRRC – Sewer 30.00
City of Dubuque WRRC – Water 44.00
Edgewood Farm & Home – City 227.93
Edgewood Oil – FD 100.00
Edgewood Reminder 228.68
Farmers Savings Bank – Flags 190.12
Feld Fire – FD 2,345.94
Hill Country CS – City, FD, Amb, Pool 604.30
J&R Supply – Water 582.00
John Deere Financial – Misc 195.01
Kiefer – Pool 76.20
Midwest Breathing Air – FD 204.00
NAPA – Pool 53.52
PCC – Amb 429.35
Quill 160.75
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 586.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
USA Bluebook – Sewer 308.20
US Cellular – AMB 24.70
USPS – City 60.00
Total April Payroll 6,051.10
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 31,950.78 | 34,320.70 |
Road Use | 3,580.59 | 2,208.66 |
Employee Benefits | 837.20 | 1,276.67 |
Local Option | 6,228.76 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,756.24 | 3,632.31 |
Sewer Debt | 12,221.48 | ———– |
Water | 4,814.71 | 4,501.18 |
Water Enterprise | 2,080.24 | ———– |
Fire Department – Approved a Junior Firefighter Cooper Ingles.
Ambulance – Flagging yards, giving ambulance tours/games July 4th event. Golf outing with music and silent auction in August.
Crew appreciates all the support they have gotten with their fundraisers.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club –
KIB – Tables & Benches for pool are here. Almost have the sign project finished up.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Speed bumps need to be put in, use old till new arrive. Need to talk with Chad Ernst and Joell Wilken about their yards. Having some issues with trees hanging over the street and issues along Parkview. Brown suggested that we look into putting in a tree block along the lagoon facing the Golf Course. Need to check with DNR for the possibility of tree programs. Brown also suggested that we start looking for someone that could be a backup for Cory during snow events should he be ill or unable to work.
Pool & Recreation: Council will evaluate how the workers are doing at the end of the season. Some have picked up additional duties.
Building Permits: Marcus & Kendra Zacek, 304 Franklin Street – New Roof. Jim Diers motioned to approve. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Discussed how to make sure we get information out about advisories.
Mayor Forkenbrock opened the Public Hearing at 6:30pm. With no visitors present hearing was closed at 6:31 pm. Jim Diers motioned to accept Resolution 2023-06-12 To Adopt City Budget & Certify City Taxes for FY2024. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Jim Diers motioned to approve Cigarette Permits for Hill Country CS & The Hub. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Nick Brown motioned to approve a Beer Permit for Hill Country CS. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Waterman motioned to accept Resolution 2023-06-12 To Set Wages for City Employees. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:35 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 8, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Amy Neuhaus and Roger Waterman. Mayor Forkenbrock added a building permit for his driveway to the agenda and an updated Edgewood Reminder total to bills. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, April minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 26,900.46
Property Tax 62,108.37
Ambulance 5,405.04
Elk (Clayton) Township 2,939.00
LOST 3,782.54
RUT – County 2,333.37
Savings Account Interest 829.25
RUT – State 3,231.52
Acess System – Lib 107.64
April Hoisington – Reimburse 210.06
Baker & Taylor – Lib 154.28
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – April 1,840.53
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Guttenberg Press – Lib 43.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – STWH 859.88
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 371.04
Iowa Workforce Development – SUTA 24.36
IPERS – April 1,282.80
Scholastic – Lib 93.09
USPS – Library Box Rent 80.00
USPS – Stamps 189.00
Alliant Energy- Utilities 2,915.02
Bard – KIB 71.87
Bi-County Disposal – April Pick Up 2,318.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 531.34
Edgewood Ambulance – Tier Up 150.00
Edgewood Reminder 237.28
gpm – Sewer 399.74
Hawkins – Chemicals 242.85
Hill Country CS – City, FD 243.86
J&R Supply – Pool 510.00
K & W Coatings – Water Tower 1,784.00
NAPA – Siren, Street 864.72
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 478.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 27.40
Total April Payroll 6,066.24
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 67,600.84 | 28,483.53 |
Road Use | 5,564.89 | 6,038.57 |
Employee Benefits | 7,653.42 | 1,280.79 |
Local Option | 3,782.54 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,518.31 | 8,208.39 |
Sewer Debt | 11,008.39 | ———– |
Water | 4,419.13 | 8,494.89 |
Water Enterprise | 2,004.82 | ———– |
Fire Department – Responded to 3 brush fires. Department is looking at updating equipment.
Ambulance – The new cardiac monitor is up and running. Ambulance has an outdated cell phone and is going to look into upgrading to a smartphone. Maggie take care of this.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report. Remind Sheriff’s office that speeding is still an issue.
Community Club – Was awarded a $4,000 grant to remodel the park bathrooms. Removed a tree at the softball diamond. June 3rd is the Community Betterment Golf Outing. Farmers Savings Bank matches entry fees.
KIB – Received a $4,000 grant for pool supplies (Guard chair, benches) Working on another grant to provide more shade at the pool. Committee asked if the Council would be willing to help fund that project. Council agreed to help and waiting to see what the cost would be.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Remind Cory the Jake Brake signs need to be put up. The stripping project was going to cost $1/ft to grind the lines off. Council decided to tar over and proceed with new stripping. There is a dead crab tree on the Delaware Street entrance. Decided it should be cut down and replace it later. Cory requested that the yellow speed bumps be replaced. Council agreed. Also requested the trash cans get a new color. Kids from the High School work day can paint them and put fresh wood chips down.
Pool & Recreation: Neuhaus motioned to approve Katherine Brunsman for a Baskethouse worker and Shawn Brunsman for a Lifeguard. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Neuhaus motioned that we be open from 1:00pm – 5:00pm seven days a week. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Building Permits: Tom & Becky Forkenbrock, 815 1st Street – Concrete garage approach
Matt & Rachel Elliot, 404 Main Street – Gravel Driveway
Jared Diers motioned to approve. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Discussed stormwater outlet cleaning on the east end of Hubbard Street. Area belongs to County, Forkenbrock will talk to them about addressing the issue.
Waterman motioned to approve the Lone Pine Liquor License. Neuhaus second. Roll Call: Ayes: Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
City has some nuisance properties that need attention. Will move forward to correct these issues.
Public hearing for Proposed Property Tax Levy is set for 12:00pm on May 22, 2023 at the Community Center.
Adjourned at 6:50 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:01 p.m. Monday, April 10, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Amy Neuhaus and Roger Waterman. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, March minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 29,381.53
Property Tax 1,182.44
Ambulance 137.79
Community Center 180.00
Tri-State Raceway – Chlorine 23.50
LOST 4,410.27
Library 2,536.30
Garbage Tags 70.00
Savings Account Interest 904.21
RUT – State 1,913.72
Amazon – Lib 26.74
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 178.86
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – March 1,748.50
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Guttenberg Hospital – CPR Recert 330.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 390.13
IPERS – March 1,176.78
National Mississippi River Museum – Lib 217.80
USPS – Stamps 189.00
Windstream 227.14
Alliant Energy- Utilities 1,416.44
Bi-County Disposal – March Pick Up 2,318.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 1,209.45
City of Dubuque WRRC – Sewer 20.52
Community Insurance of Iowa 30,965.00
Hill Country CS – City, FD, AMB 630.18
Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities – Water 664.00
Iowa Dept. of Health – Pool 35.00
John Deere Financial – Misc. 86.47
Michael Todd – Streets 629.80
Midwest Patch – Streets 559.50
Municipal Supply, Inc. – Water 2,723.60
Nick Brown – FD Reimburse 361.36
Spahn & Rose – City 76.76
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 626.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
US Cellular – AMB 30.10
Total March Payroll 6,707.54
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 7,733.55 | 27,297.00 |
Road Use | 1,913.72 | 2,590.38 |
Employee Benefits | 145.72 | 1,433.25 |
Local Option | 4,410.27 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,898.24 | 3,953.75 |
Sewer Debt | 12,478.40 | ———– |
Water | 4,821.51 | 2,448.87 |
Water Enterprise | 2,126.58 | ———– |
Fire Department – Discussed keeping open communication with FD and City. Had issue with siren batteries during last storm. Batteries have been replaced and will be replaced yearly. Will need to budget for them in the future. City also needs to set up a way to send out communications of where to go in case of a tornado/storm for those with no safe place to go.
Ambulance – Had 3 calls this month. The cardiac monitor is in, Easter fundraiser was successful and inspection is set for July. Motion by Jared Diers to approve Kendra Zacek to our Ambulance squad. Second by Neuhaus. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Doing fundraisers of Flags in July and a Golf Outing in August.
Library – Monthly Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report. Remind Sheriff’s office that speeding is still an issue.
Community Club – Music night and Egg Hunt were successful. 4th of July Celebration will be held on July 1 this year with a few changes. The 5K will be held on the evening of June 30th with music to follow at the Lone Pine. Watch for more info.
KIB – Working o pool grant.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Discussed the change with parking angles on Main Street. Forkenbrock and Jim Diers will physically look at how far the lines need to move.
Pool & Recreation: Brown motioned to approve Mylie Elliot for a Baskethouse worker and Josie Goebel for a Lifeguard. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Discussed that we will evaluate hours open and admission fees. Reminder that the pool is an important part of our community.
Building Permits: Charlie Funk, 508 Jackson – New Driveway, Handicap Ramp and Reroof. Jim Diers motioned to approve. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Burrington Group was present with plans for updating some water service lines. Neuhaus motioned to have Burrington Group prepare preliminary plans and specs for a water loop. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
There has been issues with dogs in town. Reminder we do have an ordinance for dogs to be leashed. Call the Sheriff’s office with complaints.
Discussion on new shutoffs for the 2 new businesses. Two different situations. Motion by Jim Diers for the City to approve payments of up to $400 to Kuhlman Financial Services and up to $1500 to Four Scoops and More. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mayor Forkenbrock opened the Public Hearing on the 23/24 Budget at 7:04 pm. With no comments the Hearing was closed at 7:06 pm. Jared Diers motioned to approve the 23/24 Budget. Second by Neuhaus. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 7;10 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown ; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, March 13, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Neuhaus absent. Mayor Forkenbrock added the Edgewood Reminder invoice for $79.00 to bills for approval. Motion made by Brown. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, February minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,496.99
Property Tax 730.66
IAMU – Insurance Refund 715.00
LOST Funds 5,549.91
Iowa Department of Revenue 1189.58
Savings Account Interest 800.28
RUT – State 3,298.42
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – February 1,860.17
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 397.24
Iowa Firefighters Assoc. – Yearly 289.00
IPERS – February 1,127.78
Telegraph Herald – Notice 96.75
USPS – Stamps (from January) 189.00
Windstream 226.78
ACE – City 47.95
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,378.44
Auditor State of Iowa – Yearly Fee 1,200.00
Bi-County Disposal – February Pick Up, Tags, Bins 2,456.20
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 1,493.92
Delaware County Sheriff – Yearly Fee 15,849.00
Hawkins – Water 247.85
Hill Country CS – City, FD 608.67
John Deere Financial – Misc. 89.71
Quill – Office 171.41
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 474.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
USA BlueBook – Sewer 40.25
US Cellular – AMB 30.10
Total February Payroll 6,104.47
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 6,676.41 | 9,900.08 |
Road Use | 13,298.42 | 13,423.64 |
Employee Benefits | 90.04 | 1,318.53 |
Local Option | 5,549.91 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,819.47 | 4,147.30 |
Sewer Debt | 12,385.67 | ———– |
Water | 4,745.54 | 2,661.85 |
Water Enterprise | 2,089.88 | ———– |
Fire Department – 1 call. Fire Fighter 1 class went to the simulator. Council thanked the Department for doing a good job of being proactive before the ice storm.
Ambulance – Had 56 calls last year. Kendra Zacek will be recertified soon. Maggie explained the new Cardiac monitor. Purchase will be made on a 3 year no interest contract. Plan to continue to fundraise to fulfill those payments.
Library – No Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
Community Club – Easter Egg Hunt is April 8th at the Elementary School.
KIB – Request if the Council would be interested in matching the funds of the applied for grant.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Discussed vehicles on the street during snow removal. Some areas need patch this spring.
Pool & Recreation: Waterman motioned to approve Cooper Brown, Ashley Schilling and Carson Ingles for Baskethouse workers. Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Discussed Water Inspection Survey – Results/Recommendations.
Donna Boss, DCED was present to thank the Council for their support during the past year and talk about the accomplishments in the County.
Date was set for the Public Hearing FY23/24 Budget, April 10, 2023.
Joell Wilken was present with questions about the drainage in her yard. Mayor Forkenbrock will look into it.
Adjourned at 6:33 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, February 13, 2023. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Amy Neuhaus and Roger Waterman. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Neuhaus to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, January minutes/claims, January special meeting and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 27,100.26
Property Tax 579.08
Ambulance – Donation 500.00
RUT – County 2,846.21
Community Center 135.00
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 78.27
LOST Funds 4,109.52
Savings Account Interest 873.12
RUT – State 2,857.07
Access System – Lib 107.64
Comelec – Lib 10.00
EFTPS – FUTA 546.41
EFTPS – January 3,152.90
Fareway – AMB 507.57
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TA 299.41
Iowa Department of Revenue – ST WH 1,052.59
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 371.89
IPERS – January 1,860.19
Maggie Fensterman – Reimburse 318.07
Performance Foodservice – AMB 312.90
Scholastic – Lib 147.66
Windstream 226.90
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,766.72
Bi-County Disposal – January Pick Up 2,318.70
Black Hills Energy – Utilities 1,518.29
Edgewood Reminder 110.45
Every’s Auto & Tire – City 703.70
Hill Country CS – City, FD 700.23
John Deere Financial – Shop/CC 261.72
Midwest Breathing Air – FD 204.00
NAPA – Streets 104.96
PCC – AMB 316.29
Quill – Office 169.99
Ryan Juran – Reimburse FD 338.02
TestAmerica – Sewer Analysis 690.00
TestAmerica – Water Analysis 56.00
USA BlueBook – Water/Sewer 355.85
US Cellular – AMB 27.63
Total January Payroll 6,850.69
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 51,860.55 | 55,492.11 |
Road Use | 5,703.28 | 11,245.64 |
Employee Benefits | 71.36 | 1,348.98 |
Local Option | 4,109.52 | ———– |
Sewer | 6,692.92 | 3,359.88 |
Sewer Debt | 11,348.22 | ———– |
Water | 4,723.73 | 2,415.78 |
Water Enterprise | 2,039.66 | ———– |
Fire Department – No Report
Ambulance – Several fundraisers upcoming.
Library – No Report.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report. Sheriff John LeClere was present. Much discussion on what can be done to get more people to stop at the main intersection and to slow them down at all 3 entrances to town. Discussed how often officers are in town and times they are here. Suggestions on times they should be here. Need to look up traffic count. John also made us aware that he was putting together a request for ARPA dollars from the Supervisors to purchase cameras for each of the towns in Delaware County.
Community Club – Two more music dates for fundraising. Applied for a grant for park restroom updates.
KIB – Working on grant for pool accessories (guard chair, table, bench and overhead shade).
Committee reports are as follows:
Pool & Recreation: Community Club plans to do the same as last year for pool bonuses.
Mandy Bieber, Delaware County EMA was present to explain Alert Iowa and Non-Emergency Messaging. Council will formally approve funds for non-emergency messaging at the March meeting.
Neuhaus motioned to accept Resolution 2023-02-13 To Approve Maximum Tax Dollars for Year 2024. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Public Hearing on the Budget will be held March 13, 2023 at 6:00 pm.
Resolution to Appoint Representatives to the Clayton County E-911 Services Board. Waterman motioned to approve Andy Fensterman and Cory Schenke to those positons. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 6:56 pm. Waterman motioned to adjourn. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Neuhaus, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk
Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the special meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 12:00 p.m. Friday, January 13, 2023. On roll were Jim Diers, Nick Brown, Amy Neuhaus and Roger Waterman.
The purpose of the meeting was to appoint a City Council person to fill a current vacancy. Waterman motioned to approve Jared Diers to fill that vacancy. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Neuhaus, Waterman, Brown; Abstain: Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Jared Diers has agreed to fill the position.
Short discussion on proposed renovations to the Stone Building by the owner. Council is excited for the 2 businesses on Main Street to open. Great things for our little town.
Adjourned at 12:18 pm. Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Diers, Waterman, Brown, Neuhaus; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
_________________________ ___________________________
Tom Forkenbrock, Mayor Attest: Julie Wessel, City Clerk